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Contributions for study and research projects 2021
Portal of the Italian language

Contributions for study and research projects 2021

Categories: Opportunities
  • Deadline: 15-11-2021 00:00
  • Opportunity for: Italian or foreign researchers, teachers, experts, cultural personalities and operators

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation supports and funds  projects abroad and in Italy undertaken by Italian and foreign researchers, teachers, experts, cultural personalities and operators. 

The main objective of the funding is to encourage the development of strategic partnerships and cultural and scientific projects between foreign and Italian institutions in the medium and long term.

Who can apply?

Applications for study and research grants are open to:

  • Italian researchers, professors, experts, cultural personalities and operators invited to stay at foreign universities or cultural institutions for study or research.
    The financial contribution towards travel costs (80% of total expenses) is paid upon presentation of the relative  boarding passes.
  • Foreign researchers, professors, experts, cultural personalities and operators invited to stay at Italian university or cultural institutions for study or research.
    The financial contribution towards living expenses is paid as a lump sum.

How to apply

Those interested can submit their grant applications, drafted according to the attached form and including the required documents, to the local Italian Cultural Institute or, where not present, the local Italian Diplomatic Mission in the country in which the project is to be undertaken.   

The grants are awarded following assessment by the offices abroad and by the relevant central offices, based on the following criteria:

  • characteristics of the applicant, including CV and age;
  • possible medium- and long-term impact of the project in terms of the development of cultural or scientific projects and partnerships between Italian and foreign institutions;
  • prestige of the cultural institutions involved;
  • principle of rotation among the grant beneficiaries;
  • compliance of the project with the geographical and thematic priorities identified by the Directorate General for Cultural and Economic Promotion and Innovation;
  • existence of an executive programme of cultural cooperation in force between Italy and the applicant’s country of residence (for foreign beneficiaries) or the applicant’s destination country (for Italian beneficiaries).

Information and deadlines

The contribution application forms are included as an attachment. 

Application deadline for candidates: please note carefully that the application deadline varies depending on the local Italian Institutions – either the Italian Cultural Institute or, in absence, the Italian Diplomatic Mission. Please see details on their websites and/or contact them directly.


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