From Baroque to Neapolitan tradition: two online video concerts produced by the Consulate General in São Paulo.

Concerts in São Paulo

The Consulate General of Italy in São Paulo has recently organized and hosted two initiatives to promote Italian music in Brazil.
The concert ‘Barocco – Musica e Arte’ (Baroque – Music and Art) was created with the aim of introducing audiences to the rich Baroque musical repertoire, an emblem of Italian beauty. The stars of the concert are Italian-born Emmanuele Baldini, who has been in Brazil for several years as first violin in the São Paulo State Symphony Orchestra, and Italian-Brazilian Alessandro Santoro on harpsichord. The Baroque sonata they play covers a wide repertoire of the time, from Vivaldi to Tartini.
For the new edition of ‘A Caminho do Interior’ the Consulate presented the ‘Concerto napoletano’ (Neapolitan Concert) in several cities in the State of São Paulo with Campania soprano Maria Sole Gallevi, accompanied by Italian-Brazilian pianist Flavio Lago Perucci, who brings the most beautiful music from the ancient tradition of Neapolitan song to the stage.
The aim of the initiative is to breathe new life into the Italian spirit in a state like São Paulo, where some 20 million Italian descendants live. ‘A Caminho do Interior’ was created with the intention of retracing the same route that our ancestors took at the end of the 19th century, when they travelled from Italy to the coastal city of Santos and from there to São Paulo and then inland to work on the plantations. Today, the State of São Paulo is a very rich state, thanks also and in particular to the contribution of those Italian migrants who came to seek their fortune.
The concerts are available online here and on the Consulate’s YouTube channel. For more information, see