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'La grande scrittura. Mille mani per una storia' 2021/2022
Portal of the Italian language

‘La grande scrittura. Mille mani per una storia’ 2021/2022

Categories: Culture and creativity -Language and education

A team of Italian schools abroad and Italian sections in foreign schools abroad won the first prize in the competition dedicated to writing collective novels on the theme of Europe as a ‘common good’.


On 19 October 2022, prizes will be awarded in Rome, as part of the Salone Nazionale dello Studente, to the boys and girls of the Italian sections of the international high schools in Saint-Germain-en-Laye and “Montebello” in Lille who won first prize in the “La grande scrittura. Mille mani per una storia”  (Great Writing: A Thousand Hands for One Story) competition, promoted by the DiCultHer Association. The team of schools, coordinated by MAECI professor Maria Grazia Coccia and which also included the State High School “Amaldi” in Barcelona and the Sarba-Nabatieh High School (Lebanon), wrote the collective novel “L’Europa dei giovani in un’avventura” (The young’s Europe in an adventure). It was inspired by the digital Ventotene Manifesto and started with the following incipit:

A crystalline sea, deep blue with veins of indigo and violet, in the heart of the Mediterranean. We are in Sicily, in a holiday village lying on a long sandy beach. Imagine that in this village, under the umbrella of ERASMUS, a new initiative is being organised in which eighteen-year-old students from schools from all over Europe take part, with the aim of drawing up proposals for the future of the European Union. It promises to be a nice holiday, with sun, sea and new friendships. It promises an exchange of ideas. It promises great speculations about the future. High hopes. Or grand illusions?

Last year the Italian sections of Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Lille, together with “Amaldi” State High School of Barcelonaparticipated in the same competition, on a different theme, and were awarded third prize at the Turin Book Fair (Salone del Libro di Torino).

Writing this short novel was a complex and enriching process, which focused on “creativity” and encouraged each student to reflect on the themes of integration and exchange of experiences at a local, national, European and international level.

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