The third edition of the competition ended with the proclamation of the best video reviews.

‘BookTuberPrize’ 2021: the winners

The Jury of experts has announced the winners of the edition 2021 of the competition promoted by the Centro per il libro e la lettura (Centre for books and reading, Cepell) in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
The prize dedicated to the promotion of literature among adolescents was addressed to two categories of students (15-19 years and 20-25 years). The students were asked to create a video review, choosing a book or a poetic collection written by Italian authors. Three foreign students of Italian were awarded: Asia Ripoli who reviewed Proietti’s ‘Sulla strada di Iqbal’; Arianna Posega with Veronesi’s ‘Il colibrì’ and the couple Kaya – Ince with Umberto Eco’s ‘La misteriosa fiamma della regina Loana’.
More details on the Cepell website.