Live from the University of Strasbourg: a day of international study on Jewish poetry in the Italian and European space.

Online conference on Jewish poetry
The Italian Cultural Institute of Strasbourg promotes the online study day “La poésie des Juifs d’Italie: langues, sources, héritages d’Europe“, scheduled for 6 April from 9:00am to 5:00pm (local time).
This study day invites us to reconsider Jewish poetry in the Italian and European space, its characteristics and the ways in which it has changed from the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century, from three points of view: languages, sources and heritage. The aim of this scientific event is to take stock of a number of studies that have highlighted the intellectual and humanist culture of Italy’s Jewish poets, their prolific and multi-lingual literary production, universal and of great cultural resonance, which served as a model for other generations of Jewish poets in the Netherlands, France and many other areas of Europe and the Mediterranean.
The conference, in French and in English, includes two online sessions, each followed by a debate and a poetry reading.
The event is supported and financed by the University of Strasbourg (Department of Jewish Studies, Institute of Romance Studies, GEO and CHER research units), with the partners INALCO of Paris, Société des Études Juives and the Italian Cultural Institute of Strasbourg.
For more information, please visit