Looking back at and providing an overview of the best cultural events promoted by Italy’s network around the world.

Vivere ALL’italiana 2019 events catalogue

A catalogue is now available featuring all the integrated promotion events sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation’s foreign network in 2019.
9,899 events were held in 114 countries, recording an increase of approximately 12.6% compared to the 8,789 organised in 2018, and up by 68.1% compared to the 5,886 events in 2016.
This was made possible thanks to the impetus given by the integrated promotion programme Vivere all’italiana (The Italian Way of Life), launched during the Conference of Italian Cultural Institutes’ Directors in December 2016, and to the ‘Plan to enhance promotion of Italian culture and language’, implemented in 2017.
The guiding principle is to take an integrated approach to institutional promotion, with the aim of pooling together all the competitive advantages associated with the ‘Made in Italy’ brand and with the Italian lifestyle, helping them to interact; together, these are estimated to be worth around Euro 350 billion in GDP added value.
The catalogue presents all the events, broken down by country and by the following areas of reference:
- design/fashion
- archaeology/heritage protection
- visual arts
- film
- language, literature and publishing
- promotion of the Italian university system
- Italian cuisine
- tourism and regions
- live entertainment (music, theatre, dance)
- science, research and innovation
- economic diplomacy
Furthermore, events organised abroad also included celebrations for particularly important centenaries in Italian history and culture: Rossini in 2018, Leonardo in 2019 and Raphael in 2020.