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‘1938: Diversi’ available to stream
Portal of the Italian language

‘1938: Diversi’ available to stream

Categories: Culture and creativity -Cinema and Audio-visual
Giorgio Treves' documentary on the consequences of the racial laws on the everyday life of Italian Jews.

On the occasion of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2022, the Italian Cultural Institute of São Paolo is making the documentary ‘1938: Diversi’ by Giorgio Treves available to stream free of charge until 25 February.

The documentary is about the consequences of the racial laws for the Italian Jewish community. Showing articles, cartoons, comics and film footage from the period, Treves’ work illustrates the propaganda campaign through which Jews were transformed first into people who were ‘different’ and then into enemies of the nation in the space of a few months. Thanks to the contributions of historians and scholars, the role that the mass media had to play in the persecution is examined in depth.

In addition, through the voices of witnesses and through the vivid reconstruction of episodes of discrimination and humiliation, the film explains the effects that the racial laws had on the everyday lives of Italian Jews.

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