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'La Roba' by Giovanni Verga is staged in Isola d'Istria
Portal of the Italian language

‘La Roba’ by Giovanni Verga is staged in Isola d’Istria

Categories: Culture and creativity -Literature and Publishing
On the centenary of the Sicilian writer's death, a performance of one of his most famous short stories.
La Roba - Particolare. Tratto dal sito dell'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Lubiana
La Roba – Particolare. Tratto dal sito dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Lubiana

On the occasion of the centenary of Giovanni Verga‘s death, the Italian Cultural Institute of Ljubljana organised a theatrical performance on 24 May by the group ‘Maschere Nude‘, which staged the Sicilian writer’s famous masterpiece entitled ‘La Roba’, directed by Silvia Viviana.

This is an injustice of God, that after wearing yourself out buying stuff, when you come to have it, that you still want more, you have to leave it!

Giovanni Verga, ‘La Roba’

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