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The 22nd Italian Language Week in the World kicks off
Portal of the Italian language

The 22nd Italian Language Week in the World kicks off

Categories: Culture and creativity -Language and education -Literature and Publishing
Now in its 22nd edition, the inauguration of the Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo takes place on 13 October at the Farnesina.

On Thursday 13 October 2022 at 11 a.m., the presentation event of the XXII edition of the Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo (SLIM) will be held at the Farnesina in the International Conference Hall. The event, moderated by the journalist Chiara Piotto, will be opened by the Director General for Public and Cultural Diplomacy, Amb. Pasquale Terracciano, and will be attended by young exponents of the world of culture, the arts and communication, including Bernardo Zannoni, winner of the Campiello 2022 Prize, Leo Gassman, singer-songwriter, and many others who, in their respective fields, stand out for their innovative use of Italian, including through digital tools.  The conclusions are entrusted to the Central Director for the Promotion of Italian Culture and Language, Min. Alessandro De Pedys.

The Week celebrates the Italian language around the world every year. Founded in 2001 in collaboration with the Accademia della Crusca, it is organised by the Diplomatic-Consular Network and the Italian Cultural Institutes, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of University and Research, the Swiss Government, and the main partners for language promotion.

In the framework of the European Year of Young People, the 22nd edition, scheduled from 17 to 23 October, will have as its theme ‘Italian and Young People. Excuse me? Non ti followo’, with the aim of exploring the ways in which languages and communication tools are evolving through the generations of digital natives, with a view to transmitting, in Italy and abroad, the image of a language and, with it, of a country strong in its past, but at the same time alive and creative in the present.

You can watch the recording of the live streaming by clicking on the link Launch event of the XXII Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo – L’Italiano e i giovani – YouTube


#SLIM2022| XXII Settimana della Lingua Italiana del Mondo | Long Version

Presentata alla #Farnesina la XXII Settimana della Lingua Italiana del Mondo (17-23/10)! Per riflettere sul nostro rapporto con l'italiano, la parola a quattro giovani esponenti di cultura, arti e comunicazione: Leo Gassman, Maddalena Sarti, Linda Raimondo, Gioele Fabris.


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