The show ‘Bandits Tour Story’, created in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute of Beijing, is taking part in the 22nd edition of ‘Meet in Beijing International Art Festival’ held online from 6 January to 18 February.
The festival is organized by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism in cooperation with the State Radio and Television Administration, Beijing Municipality and the Olympics Committee. In this edition, dedicated to the Olympic Winter Games, each country presents an artistic proposal inspired by the theme of the Olympics.
The Italian entry, ’Bandits Tour Story’, is a breakdance show (a sport that has officially become an Olympic discipline) produced by the Bandits company, featuring the best performances from the group, which is well known on international stages.
The Bandits were born in Milan in April 2001 from the brainchild of Luca Corbetta, aka Mad Lucas. The current lineup consists of Froz, Esom Rock, Mad Lucas, Alex Kidd, Japo, Base, Philgood, Pesto, Sandro and Logan. Over the years, the group has won the most important breakdance championships, such as Red Bull BC One, Freestyle Session, Battle of the year and Floor Wars, and has performed on prestigious stages such as the Verona Arena and the Teatro Nazionale of Rome.
The video of the show, along with those of artists from nineteen other countries, has been available since 6 January on nine online platforms, including TikTok.
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