Curzio Malaparte (1898-1957) was one of the most controversial and highly-esteemed personalities in Italian culture in the first half of the 20th century and still is today. Both a participant in and observer of great historical upheavals, he is above all a writer who draws literary references from a diverse and multifaceted body of European culture.
Organized by the Italian Cultural Institute of Paris, the conference ‘Curzio Malaparte e la cultura europea. Cartografia di un palinsesto letterario‘ (Curzio Malaparte and European Culture: Cartography of a Literary Palimpsest) invites us to rediscover the traces of this body of culture: a geographical space in which the writer travels, reflecting on the future of the Old Continent and on literary creation.
After the opening at the Institute on 7 October, the conference will continue on 8 October at the Maison d’Italie (Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris 7) and on 9 October at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Maison de la Recherche.
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