On 25 March 2020, on the occasion of Dantedì, the Ambassador Silvio Mignano inaugurated a series of readings from Dante that accompanied listeners each week – on the Embassy’s Facebook Page – on a journey through the ‘Divina Commedia’. The meetings end on Thursday 11 March at 6pm with the XXXIII Canto of ‘Paradise’. All readings are available on the YouTube channel of the Italian Embassy in Bern.
In addition, on the occasion of the seven hundredth anniversary of the death of the poet, from 4 March to 30 April the solo exhibition by artist Elena Bellantoni ‘Libertà va cercando, ch’è sì cara, come sa chi per lei vita rifiuta’ (Of liberty he journeys: that how dear / They know, who for her sake have life refus’d) will be held at the Embassy.
At the opening, the exhibition was presented by Ambassador Silvio Mignano and art critic Antonello Tolve, and accompanied by the screening of the video ‘The Fox and the Wolf: Struggle for Power’ (2014), ‘Maremoto’ (2016), ‘The Beauty and the Beast’ (2017) and ‘Corpomorto’ (2020). The exhibition can also be seen on the YouTube channel of the Italian Embassy in Bern.