The Italian Cultural Institute of Sofia kicks off a series of events to celebrate the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death with the collective exhibition Dante Plus 700 – Sofia Edition, in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Bulgaria and BONOBOLABO Ravenna.
The exhibition conceived by Marco Miccoli is taken from the project Dante Plus 700 in Ravenna and brings together a very diverse group of artists who, using a range of techniques from illustration to comics and street art, seek to create a new identity for the Supreme Poet. The languages used by the artists range from tempera painting, geometric drawing and even the use of 3D software. Some of the images, accompanied by the ARIA logo, are visible in augmented reality using the free mobile app ‘ARIA the AR Platform’.
The exhibition is printed on large panels displayed on the outer gate of the Embassy building and in front of the entrance to the Italian Cultural Institute in Sofia.
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