The family tale by Emma Dante with ‘The Macaluso Sisters’, the civic commitment of Gianfranco Rosi and his latest documentary ‘Notturno’, shot in the war zones in Syria, Lebanon and Iran. And finally, the burning and still taboo theme of lovegivers, the theme of Francesco Cannavà’s ‘Because of My Body’.
These are the titles of the Italian films featured in the 32nd edition of the Espoo Ciné International Film Festival, which takes place in Helsinki from 23 to 29 August 2021. Espoo Ciné is one of the biggest Finnish film festivals and has over the years become a major promoter of new European cinema in Finland.
The film programme is as follows:
Sunday 29 August | Because Of My Body
Italy, 2020
Director: Francesco Cannavà
Friday 27 August and Saturday 28 August | The Macaluso Sisters
Italy, 2020
Director: Emma Dante
Wednesday 25 August and Sunday 29 August | Notturno
Italy, France, Germany 2020
Director: Gianfranco Rosi
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