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Estate all'Italiana Festival goes to Mexico
Portal of the Italian language

Estate all’Italiana Festival goes to Mexico

Categories: Culture and creativity -Music and Performing Arts
The University of Monterrey celebrates Italy and its language with shows and performances.
Feria Internacional UDEM

An Italian language course, conferences open to the public, a gastronomy workshop and an exhibition dedicated to the most prized ingredients of Italian cuisine. Starting on 27 September, the Universidad de Estudios de Monterrey (UDEM) will host the eleventh edition of the Feria Internacional UDEM, with Italy as the country of honour.

The festival, which will run until 18 November, will also include three streamed performances organized by the Italian Cultural Institute of Mexico City in collaboration with Italia Festival, as part of the ‘Estate all’Italiana Festival‘ project, an initiative promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, a world tour of music and theatre performances, streaming on demand free of charge for international audiences.

The following shows will be on at Feria Internacional UDEM:

  • Tosca by Giacomo Puccini, inauguration of the 67th edition of the Puccini Festival (available from 18 to 24 October 2021);
  • Sicily Folk Orchestra, contemporary Sicilian music concert (available from 1 to 7 November 2021)
  • Rapsodia Fantástica, musical and scenic performance created by Giacomo Cuticchio (available from 20 to 26 November 2021)

To discover the full programme of the festival go to

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