On 6 December 2021, in the framework of the 17th edition of the Italian Contemporary Art Day organized by AMACI – Associazione dei Musei d’Arte Contemporanea Italiani, the Italian Cultural Institute in Istanbul presents a webinar with the artist Gian Maria Tosatti. Tosatti will talk about his research and ‘pilgrimage experience‘ that led him, in May 2021, to create a large environmental art installation in the Tarlabaşi district, thanks also to the support of the Italian Cultural Institute.
Gian Maria Tosatti will be in conversation with Salvatore Schirmo, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute of Instabul, Francesca Guerisoli, art critic, curator and journalist, and Stefano Raimondi, president of The Blank Contemporary Art Association.
‘My heart is empty like a mirror‘: this is the title of Tosatti’s artistic project – a pilgrimage around the world, that led him – since 2018 – to different cities and countries, trying to portray and describe their socio-political and urbanistic situation. Each work created through this process represents an episode of an ideal ‘visual novel’, where visions, prophecies and realities are combined and mixed together.
The project was realized with the collaboration of The Blank Contemporary Art and thanks to the support of the Italian Council (2019), the international promotion program of the Italian Ministry of Culture.
Gian Maria Tosatti, visual artist, will be the curator of the next Italian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale. Recently he was appointed Artistic Director of the Rome Quadriennale.
The webinar will be held on the Zoom web platform, in Italian, with simultaneous translation into Turkish, and will be broadcast live on the Institute’s Facebook and YouTube channels.
For more information: iicistanbul.esteri.it