The Italian Cultural Institute of Amsterdam and the Fondazione Culturissima/1001 Italianen present the conference ‘Voci Nascoste. Antifascisti italiani nei Paesi Bassi: Angelo Agosti (1900-1985) e Luciana Rescia Bokma (1902-1995)‘(Hidden Voices: Italian Anti-Fascists in the Netherlands – Angelo Agosti (1900-1985) and Luciana Rescia Bokma (1902-1995)).
For a long time, the role of Italians in the Dutch Resistance, especially that of women, remained little known. This event focuses on two anti-fascist figures from the region of Amsterdam.
The stories of Luciana Rescia Bokma and Angelo Agosti will be reconstructed on the basis of family testimonies and audiovisual material from private archives. Researcher Daniela Tasca will present the story of Angelo Agosti with the testimony of his daughter Stella, while journalist Noemi Prent will tell the story of her great-grandmother Luciana Rescia, together with the latter’s daughter, Luisa Bokma.
Musical interlude by Carla Regina.
The researcher Daniela Tasca, initiator of the 1001 Italianen project of the Fondazione Culturissima in Amsterdam, has brought to light facts and personalities of a neglected part of history. During this event she will present the results of research developed with the support of the Mediafonds of Haarlem.
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