As established by UNESCO, 10 April is Science and Technology Day. In addition, 15 April marks the celebration of ‘La Giornata della Ricerca Italiana nel Mondo’ (Italian Research Day in the World), a themed event promoted by MAECI in homage to the birth of Leonardo Da Vinci, which promotes the dissemination of Italian scientific research with the involvement of the Farnesina network worldwide.
To commemorate these two important dates, the ‘Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana’, together with the Italian Cultural Institute of Santiago and with the collaboration of the Embassy of Italy in Chile and Chilean and Italian institutions and universities, organised a series of four seminars entitled Mes de la Ciencia y la Tecnología: Encuentros Chile-Italia.
Every Wednesday, from 13 April, scientists and researchers in the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry and technology from UTEM will meet in a hybrid dialogue with Italian scientists and researchers working in universities and research centres such as INAF, the University of Padua, the University of Rome-La Sapienza and the University of Verona.
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