On 14 April, the Italian Cultural Institute in Sydney presents a lecture by Prof. Antonio Di Ieva (Macquarie University) on the occasion of the Day of Italian Research in the World.
The conference is entitled “A journey in the realms of neurosurgery and computational neurosciences” and deals with a very fascinating topic, namely the application of artificial intelligence to numerous scientific fields, in particular medicine.
Treatment of neurosurgical diseases, including brain tumours, spine diseases and trauma, cerebrovascular malformations, and nerves’ pathologies, amongst others, requires a comprehensive and deep knowledge of the nervous system architecture, i.e. its anatomy, as well as of the way it works.
The way that modern neurosurgeons deal with brain, spinal cord, spine and peripheral nerve diseases passes through the knowledge of several disciplines, including neurology, radiology, pathology, radiation oncology, psychology and cognitive neurosciences, etc., whereas the surgical skills represent only the tip of the iceberg.
In the last years, computers are also used to help clinicians and surgeons in differential diagnosis and decision-making. In such a perspective, the use of artificial intelligence can implement the natural intelligence of physicians and surgeons, with the aim to create the “augmented surgeon” of the future, with the final goal of reducing errors and improving patients’ treatment and outcome.
The talk will illustrate the history of neurosurgery, from ancient times to the implementation of machines and robots in the surgical theatre, in the perspective of a neurosurgical practitioner who has also pioneered the use of fractal geometry and artificial intelligence to enhance medical expertise, advocating the paradigm on human-and-machine interaction at benefit of science, for a deeper understanding of the human brain, and for the benefit of patients, for a better treatment of their neurological diseases.
Prof. Antonio Di Ieva is neurosurgeon at Macquarie Neurosurgery and Professor of Neurosurgery and Neuroanatomy at Macquarie University in Sydney.
Look for more information on: iicsydney.esteri.it.