Launched in 2001 on the occasion of ‘Italia in Giappone’ (Italy in Japan), the Italian Film Festival aims to showcase the best recent Italian film productions, as well as offering classics, retrospectives and short films, all with Japanese subtitles.
Promoted by the Italian Cultural Institute of Tokyo and supported from the beginning by the newspaper Asahi Shimbun and by the Istituto Luce Cinecittà, the Festival has also taken place in Osaka, since 2010, with the support of the Italian Cultural Institute of Osaka. In 2020, after an in-person première, the Festival was held online for the first time, with great success.
This edition, jointly organized by the Tokyo and Osaka Institutes, features the following films:
- ‘An Almost Ordinary Summer’ by Simone Godano
- ‘If Only’ by Ginevra Elkann
- ‘Sole’ by Carlo Sironi
- ‘Kidz’ by Giuseppe Bonito
- ‘Hidden Away’ by Giorgio Diritti
- ‘Bad Tales’ by the D’Innocenzo brothers
- ‘Padrenostro’ by Claudio Noce
- ‘Thou Shalt Not Hate’ by Mauro Mancini
- ‘The Ties’ by Daniele Luchetti
- ‘The Predators’ by Pietro Castellitto
Also presented are:
- ‘At War For Love’ by Pierfrancesco Diliberto
- ‘Leopardi’ by Mario Martone
- ‘The Man Who Will Come’ by Giorgio Diritti
- ‘The Best of Youth’ by Marco Tullio Giordano
The films are accompanied by the short films ‘Fiori, fiori, fiori’, by Luca Guadagnino, and ‘Io si, tu no’ by Sydney Sibilia.
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