To mark the publication of the volume ‘1990-2020. Le théâtre italien en résistance‘, edited by Federica Martucci and Olivier Favier, the Italian Cultural Institute of Lyon has organized a series of four virtual meetings dedicated to contemporary Italian playwriting.
Martucci and Favier will be our guides in discovering some of the most important contemporary playwrights: a series of video portraits bringing together playwrights and their translators. Available on the YouTube channel of the Italian Cultural Institute, the meetings will take place during the month of May 2021, scheduled as follows:
- 6 May: Marco Paolini and Gabriele Vacis
- 13 May: Laura Curino and Juliette Gheerbrant
- 20 May: Davide Carnevali and Caroline Michel
- 27 May: Angela Demattè and Julie Quenéhen
The radio broadcast ‘Chroniques rebelles’, dedicated to the publication of the volume, is available to listen to on the Institute’s Soundcloud channel The series of meetings was announced in a conversation with Martucci and Favier by Anna Pastore, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute.
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