A post-apocalyptic Italy is the universe to a coming-of-age story of a young teenager dealing with his father memories. Based on the graphic novel of the same name by Gipi, Claudio Cupellini’s ‘The Land of the sons’ is the Italian film selected for the competition at the prestigious Karlovy Vary Festival.
The festival will be held in Prague from 20 to 28 August 2021 and features 32 premieres in two competition sections and an exclusive non-competitive programme.
Viewers will also be able to enjoy a festival of screenings of films restored thanks to ‘The Film Foundation’, established in 1990 by Martin Scorsese, Italian-American director and screenwriter. The non-profit foundation was set up with the aim of supporting the preservation of films that have made the history of international cinema.
The detailed calendar of the screenings at the festival, organised in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute in Prague which will also include other Italian films, is available on the website of the Festival.
For more information, see iicpraga.esteri.it.