On the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri, the Italian Cultural Institute of Barcelona has begun a new series of Lecturae Dantis. As well as placing the work in the cultural context of the time, the readings will demonstrate the great relevance and universality of Dante’s thought and poetry.
Structured in 90-minute long monthly meetings, the readings and commentaries on the Divine Comedy will last a total of about 4 years. The next event is on 22 June 2021 with readings of Cantos III, IV, V by Professor Raffaele Pinto.
The readings are taken from the recent Spanish bilingual edition of the Divine Comedy, published by Akal, which is the result of the work of professors who belong to the two active Dante societies in Spain: the Societat Catalana d’Estudis Dantescos and the Asociación Complutense de Dantología.
Readings and commentaries will be held in Italian and Spanish. Admission is free with prior booking. The meeting will also be streamed on the Zoom platform.
More information at iicbarcellona.esteri.it