On 13 October, as part of the XXI Week of the Italian Language in the World, the Italian Cultural Institute of Cologne has organized the lecture ‘Come un raggio nell’acqua. Dante e la relazione con l’altro’ (Like a ray of light in water: Dante and the Relationship with the Other) with Filippo La Porta.
The image of the ray of light that enters the water without disturbing it, taken from Canto II of Dante’s Paradiso, becomes the paradigm of a relationship with the Other inspired by a profound ethic of respect. Filippo La Porta discusses the sacredness of the Other in Dante’s work, reinterpreting it in its intrinsic relevance today. Dante intends to reform degenerate humanity and fight heretics, but in the third canticle he reveals another truth, contained in the dazzling lunar epiphany of the image of himself and Beatrice crossing the moon without disrupting it, as a ray of light enters the water without disturbing it.
More information at iiccolonia.esteri.it.