On the occasion of the centenary of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s birth, the Italian Cultural Institute of Barcelona and the Filmoteca of Catalonia propose a reflection on the relationship between cinema and television in Pasolini’s thought. In 1966 Pasolini published a controversial article on the television medium of the time – not yet touched by the birth of commercial television – which he nevertheless used as an aid to his polemics or as a complement to his films.
From 1 to 24 March 20 films will be screened, including feature films, notes, interviews given and carried out by the director and other materials. The series, which will be introduced by Roberto Chiesi, head of the Cineteca di Bologna’s Centro Studi Pasolini (Pasolini Study Centre), is part of the wide-ranging programme of Pasolini celebrations planned for 2022 by the Barcelona Institute, in collaboration with leading local and Italian cultural institutions, and will explore the various aspects of his life and work, from poetry to linguistics, music and theatre.
More information can be found at iicbarcellona.esteri.it