From 28 July to 22 September 2021, the Embassy of Italy in Quito, together with the College of Architects of Ecuador is promoting the series of conferences ‘Plazas de Ciudadanía’ (Piazzas of Citizenship). The initiative is a part of the Le Piazze [In] visibili project curated by Italian photographer Marco Delogu and promoted since 2020 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation during the global pandemic.
This conference series seeks to open a dialogue between Ecuador, Latin America and the world through five seminars in which representatives of Ecuadorian culture engage in dialogue with other international researchers and analyze different ways of understanding the meaning of the piazza as a place of citizenship, culture and social integration. The goal is to capture a new perspective on the role and meaning of urban ‘voids’, in all their types and uses, with the intention of enhancing the human content, its architecture, ecology, but above all its cultural and social value.
- 28 July, 6 pm (Quito local time)
Un ponte sull’Oceano Atlantico. Il concetto di una piazza tra Ecuador e Italia (A Bridge Over the Atlantic Ocean: the Concept of a Piazza in Ecuador and Italy)
Speakers: Inés del Pino (Ecuador) and Olimpia Niglio (Italy/Japan)
Moderator: María Samaniego Ponce - 11 August, 6 pm (Quito local time)
La piazza nelle culture indo/americane: studi archeologici e antropologici (The Square in Indo/American Cultures: Archaeological and Anthropological Studies)
Speakers: Daniel Saucedo Segami (Peru/Japan) and Lucia Durán (Ecuador)
Moderator: Michelle Herrera - 25 August, 6 pm (Quito local time)
La piazza storica e la rigenerazione contemporanea: Ecuador e Italia (The Historical Piazza and Contemporary Regeneration: Ecuador and Italy)
Speakers: Marcello Maltese (Italy) and Carlos Espinosa (Ecuador)
Moderator: Francisco Cueva - 8 September, 6 pm (Quito local time)
Costruire il vuoto (Building the Void)
Speakers: Mario Cerasoli (Italy) and Alfonso Bucheli (Ecuador)
Moderator: Paola Bracchi - 22 September, 6 pm (Quito local time)
Il ruolo dello spazio pubblico nella città contemporanea (The Role of Public Space in the Contemporary City)
Speakers: Victor Delgadillo (UACM-México), Fernando Carrión (Ecuador), Olimpia Niglio (Italy/Japan)
Moderator: Mari Paz Rodríguez
For more information and to register go to