On 27 January, on the occasion of Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Italian Cultural Institute of São Paulo is organizing a series of free meetings entitled ‘Primo Levi in dialogo’ (Primo Levi in Dialogue).
The meetings aim to tackle various aspects of the life of the Turin author’s life and books: the value of bearing witness, his literary originality, the Auschwitz concentration camp, war and totalitarianism.
In an interview in 1986, talking about the memoir Se questo è un uomo (If This is a Man), Primo Levi said: ‘If this book, which is now forty years old, continues to live on, the reason is that its readers […] realize that this testimony, from the point of view of space and time, is more universal than was my intention when I wrote it.’ In 2022 it is still necessary to talk about Primo Levi and his work, to remember and to teach from his texts, opening up possibilities for dialogue beyond borders and across time.
More information at iicsanpaolo.esteri.it