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‘Ritratti di donne’ available in Spanish
Portal of the Italian language

‘Ritratti di donne’ available in Spanish

Categories: Cinema and Audio-visual
The dissemination of the story of a creative and dynamic Italy abroad continues through the stories of ten female professionals who are driving forces in the contemporary cultural scene.
Ritratti di donne
ritratti di donne

Thanks to the Embassy of Italy in Buenos Aires, starting from March 8, (International Women’s Day) the videos of the ‘Ritratti di donne’ (Portraits of Women), the project created in collaboration with the Solinas Prize and with Kino productions, will also be available in Spanish,

‘Ritratti di donne’ thus becomes ‘Retratos de mujeres’: a series of interviews with the protagonists of the Italian contemporary cultural scene, including the fields of literature, art, music, cinema, theatre, archaeology, fashion and business.

The stories reveal different looks on reality and original projects, recognized locally and globally, such as the media platform GRIOT by Johanne Affricot, the perfumes matched to artworks created by Laura Bosetti Tonatto, the photographic art of Silvia Camporesi, Linda Di Pietro’s cultural entrepreneurship, Gaia Furrer’s Venice Days, Antonella Lattanzi’s books and screenplays, Petra Magoni’s ‘Naked Music’, Fabrizia Sacchi’s implementations, Carla Tomasi’s restoration work, and Marianna Vitale’s dishes and restaurant Sud.


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