The Italian Cultural Institute of Hamburg presents a philosophical talk with Chiara Stefanoni organized by the Leuphana Universität Lüneburg as part of the ‘Scrittori in Biblioteca’ (Writers in the Library) series.
With the moderation of Benedetta Milani, Dr. Chiara Stefanoni will present a reflection on the ‘animal question’ in contemporary Italian philosophical debates.
The animal question addresses the problem of the human-animal relationship, starting from the position that it is fundamental to thought, ethics and society.
This relationship is understood to go beyond a mere dualism, which would force the understanding of the human and the animal into rigid, hierarchical and violent structures. Italian philosophy has developed an original approach to the problem, which distinguishes it from other approaches, including the Anglo-Saxon one, placing Italian thought at the centre of contemporary debate.
The speaker traces a path through the most active voices of this distinctly Italian school of thought, moving between authors such as Giorgio Agamben, Roberto Esposito and Rosi Braidotti.
Chiara Stefanoni, born in Lecco in 1992, is a visiting professor at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg and a lecturer in Moral Philosophy at the University of Bergamo, where she also obtained her doctorate with a thesis on animal oppression in relation to capitalism. She was a visiting researcher at the Centre for Animal Ethics at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. She is the author of the monograph ‘Nient’altro che vulnerabilità. Sacrificio, Uguaglianza e antispecismo’ (‘Nothing but Vulnerability: Sacrifice, Equality and Anti-Speciesism’, 2020) and is on the editorial board of the Italian speciesist magazine ‘Liberazioni’.
Benedetta Milani, born in Lecco in 1993, is a PHD student at the Universität Leuphana in Lüneburg, where she conducts research on issues in the digital world. She graduated in philosophy from the University of Milan with a thesis on Aby Warburg and Ernst Cassirer.
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