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The 'Strega da leggere / Strega da ascoltare' (Strega for Reading / Strega for Listening) project gets the go-ahead
Portal of the Italian language

The ‘Strega da leggere / Strega da ascoltare’ (Strega for Reading / Strega for Listening) project gets the go-ahead

Categories: Culture and creativity -Literature and Publishing
A collection of excerpts taken from 12 novels nominated for the 2022 Strega Prize can be downloaded for free.
Strega da leggere
Strega da leggere

The Italian Cultural Institutes of HamburgBerlinCologneMonacoStuttgart and Zurich present the ‘Strega da leggere / Strega da ascoltare. Incontri con il romanzo italiano di oggi’ (Strega for Reading / Strega for Listening. Encounters with the Italian novel today), 2022 edition.

Conceived by the Italian Cultural Institutes of Vienna and Hamburg, which proposed a first edition in 2020, the project intends to offer a brief showcase of excerpts taken from the 12 novels nominated for the 2022 Strega Prize, in their original versions together with a translation, in collaboration with the Fondazione Bellonci and the Italian publishing houses that published the nominated titles.

The authors and titles nominated for the 2022 edition are listed below:

Marco Amerighi, ‘Randagi ‘(Bollati Boringhieri); Fabio Bacà, ‘Nova'(Adelphi); Alessandro Bertante, ‘Mordi e fuggi’ (Baldini+Castoldi); Alessandra Carati, ‘E poi saremo salvi'(Mondadori); Mario Desiati, ‘Spatriati’ (Einaudi); Veronica Galletta, ‘Nina sull’argine’, (minimum fax); Jana Karšaiová, “Divorzio di velluto” (Feltrinelli); Marino Magliani, ‘Il cannocchiale del tenente Dumont’ (L’Orma); Davide Orecchio, ‘Storia aperta’ (Bompiani); Claudio Piersanti, ‘Quel maledetto Vronskij’ (Rizzoli); Veronica Raimo, ‘Niente di vero'(Einaudi); Daniela Ranieri, ‘Stradario aggiornato di tutti i miei baci’ (Ponte alle Grazie).

The translation of the excerpts involved professionals including: Christiane Burkhardt, Sara Fischer, Michaela Heissenberger, Barbara Kleiner, Annette Kopetzki, Janine Malz and Stefanie Römer.

“Strega da leggere” is available for free download from 31 May 2022 on the home pages of the Italian Cultural Institutes involved.

As in previous editions, the excerpts from the nominated titles are also available for listening, in 12 podcasts recorded by the authors themselves, at the following link:

The Strega Prize is the most important Italian literary prize, awarded every year to a narrative book written in Italian and published for the first time between 1 March of the previous year and 28 March of the current year. The Prize has been organised and managed by the Fondazione Bellonci since 1986. Since its inception, the Strega Prize has been a gauge for the moods of the cultural environment and the literary tastes of the Italian people. The awarded books have told the story of Italy, documenting its language, changes and traditions.

More information on the Strega Prize’s history and authors can be found at:

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