On 18 October, the Week of Italian Language opens in Barcelona at the Jaime Fuster Library, where Prof. Raffaele Pinto will read and comment, in Italian and Spanish, on Cantos VI, VII and VIII of the Divine Comedy.
The same occasion will also see the presentation of the first and second volumes (Inferno and Purgatorio) of the new annotated Spanish edition of the Divine Comedy, released by the Madrid-based publisher Akal.
The Week continues on 19 and 20 October with a guided tour of the exhibition ‘La modernitat del discurs de Dante’ (The Modernity of Dante’s Discourse), which will focus on the more political, religious and philosophical aspects of Dante’s work and will also include documents from the Italian Cultural Institute of Barcelona’s library.
The events end on 22 October, at the Jaime Fuster Library, with the dramatized reading ‘Le donne della Commedia’ (The Women of the Divine Comedy). Actress Carmen Aldana will read, in Spanish, extracts from the Divine Comedy in which female characters speak. Each extract will be introduced by the translator and philologist Raffaele Pinto, who will put the texts in the context of the plot.
More information at iicbarcellona.esteri.it