On 25 March 2021 at 10:00am, on the occasion of Danteday and the celebrations for seven hundred years since the poet’s death, the Per Correr Miglior Acque Committee will join the event ‘Processo a Paolo e Francesca’ (Trial of Paolo and Francesca), featuring lecturers from the Departments of Humanities and Law who will analyze the well-known canto from the Divine Comedy. The event is held by the University of Turin, and sponsored by the Italian Cultural Institute of Montréal.
The reading of the fifth canto of Inferno, by the Per Correr Miglior Acque Committee, will be followed by the talks ‘S’amor è di fuori a noi offerto: si può resistere all’amore?’ (‘S’amor è di fuori a noi offerto’: can love be resisted?) by Pasquale Porro,’Amore e colpa: Paolo e Francesca’ (Love and blame: Paolo and Francesca), by Donato Pirovano, and ‘Ordine giuridico e ordine morale nel V canto dell’Inferno dantesco’ (Law and morals in the V canto of Dante’s Inferno), by Michele Rosboch and Valerio Gigliotti.
The event will take place online on Zoom and live on the YouTube channel Letture Dantesche Torino.