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Video interview with jazz musician Francesca Remigi
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Video interview with jazz musician Francesca Remigi

Categories: Culture and creativity -Music and Performing Arts
One of the legs of her world tour took her to Australia, where she took part in the Melbourne International Jazz Festival with the support of the Italian Institute of Culture in Melbourne.
Francesca Remigi locandina

As part of the Melbourne International Jazz Festival on Saturday 15 October, the young and talented jazz musician Francesca Remigi performed at the JazzLab with the support of the Italian Institute of Culture in Melbourne.

Francesca Remigi is a multi-skilled drummer, jazz player and composer from Bergamo, who has made a name for herself in the avant-guard jazz scene in New York, collaborating with great musicians such as George Garzone, Kris Davis and Steve Lehman.

Together with Italian bass clarinet player Federico Calcagno and some of Melbourne’s most accomplished young improvisers, Remigi showcased her project Archipélagos. Aesthetically unique, Archipélagos features a refined blend of sounds inspired by a wide range of genres: modern jazz, contemporary classical, prog rock, Carnatic music, electronic and free jazz.

In her video interview with us, Francesca talks about the creative path that lead her to develop her latest project The Human Web and her unusual vision of music as expressive language that allows her to tackle even very personal topics, making them universal and comprehensible to people of the most diverse ages, languages, cultures and backgrounds.


Francesca Remigi @Jazzlab

Francesca Remigi @Jazzlab


Videointervista a Francesca Remigi

Poliedrica batterista, jazzista e compositrice bergamasca, ha collaborato con grandi musicisti della scena jazz d'avanguardia di New York. Si è esibita al Melbourne Jazz Festival dove ha presentato "Archipelagos". Nella video intervista racconta del suo recente progetto "The Human web".

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