The Italian Cultural Institute of New York presents on 17 May the screening of the docufilm ‘Voyage to Procida’, written by director Federico Siniscalco, in collaboration with Tom Mooney (Set New York) and Fabrizio Varesco (Set Procida): a story about sea travel and seafaring, and a tribute that the director wanted to pay to one of the most beautiful places in the world, the Gulf of Naples.
Following the screening, the director in conversation with Fabio Finotti and the audience.
The story revolves around Leonardo, (Giovanni Scotto di Carlo), a native of Procida who earns his living aboard ships, and Georgia, (Melanie Neu), a young New Yorker who has always been fascinated by Italy, the land of her ancestors.
A chance meeting between the two develops into a love affair. Unexpected events bring Georgia to Procida, where she is fascinated by the millenary history of the island and the lifestyle of its inhabitants. In particular, she is struck by the role of Procidan women and thanks to them she finds the strength to make a difficult decision.
Federico Siniscalco has been involved in documentary cinema since the early Nineties. He teaches documentary filmmaking in Italy, at the University of Siena, and in the US, at the University of Rochester.
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