The Italian Cultural Institute of Moscow is taking part in the celebrations on the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death, to which the XXI edition of the Week of the Italian Language in the World is dedicated.
At the opening of the festival, on 18 October, the Director of the Institute, Daniela Rizzi, will meet the editors of the portal ‘Una parola al giorno’, with a presentation of the content of the site and of the book they have published, ’Dante libera tutti’ (2020). The Zoom meeting will be broadcast live on the Institute’s Facebook page. In collaboration with the website editors, for the whole week, there will also be a quiz marathon on the Institute’s Instagram channel: every day, there will be two questions designed to stimulate linguistic reflection, accompanied by a short video.
On 19 October, Evgenij Dobrov, PhD in Philosophy, will talk about places and points of interest in Moscow dedicated to Dante or associated with the Florentine poet, in a combined lecture and tour of the city. ‘Dante and Moscow’ will be an opportunity to rediscover the Russian capital from a novel poetic angle.
On 20 October, there will be the lecture ‘Dante and the languages of Europe by Lorenzo Tomasin, professor of History of the Italian language and Romance Philology at the University of Lausanne. The lecture, in Italian with simultaneous Russian translation, will be broadcast live on the Institute’s Facebook page.
On 21 October, there is the presentation of the book ‘Dante Alighieri. Božestvennaja komedija. Ad. Podstročnyj perevod Galiny Murav’evoj’ (Probel-2000): Professor Govorukho (Moscow State University of Humanities) and the Director of the Institute Daniela Rizzi will present the interlinear translation of Inferno by Professor Galina Murav’eva.
Te week will conclude with the sound performance ‘Il suono di Dante’ (The Sound of Dante), at the Elektroteatr in Moscow on 22 and 23 October 2021. The third canto of Dante Alighieri’s Inferno is the focus of an experimental work: a rewriting by Mariateresa Sartori in which the rhythm and intrinsic musicality of the verses take centre stage, rather than their mere textual meaning. The actor’s reading will be followed by the performance of the track ‘Queste parole di colore oscuro’ by Paolo Marzocchi.
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