The Italian Cultural Institute of Lyon celebrates Dante and Italian for the XXI Week of the Italian Language in the World.
The events on offer include the exhibition ‘Dante: Vita, Opere, Fortuna’ (Dante: Life, Works, Fortune), which can be visited from 2 to 15 October at the Chambéry Committee of the Dante Alighieri Society. In collaboration with the Dante Alighieri Society, there are also the lectures ‘Les Contemporains de Dante’ (Dante’s Contemporaries), by Jean-Louis Roussin, and ‘La Divine Comédie au miroir des artistes et des siècles’ (The Divine Comedy in the Mirror of Artists and Centuries) by Martine Vasselin, scheduled for 6 October in Lyon and Chambéry.
On 13 October, the Week of the Italian Language opens at the Institute with a screening of the film ‘The Sky over Kibera’, preceded by a conversation with the director Marco Martinelli, and a a video conference from the University of Zurich with Sara Ferrilli on Dante Day and Switzerland.
On 15 October, there will be lectures by Stefano Fonio (University of Grenoble) and Stefano Lazzarin (University of Saint Etienne) and a screening of the film ‘Inferno’ (1911), introduced by Gianluca Farinelli from the Cineteca di Bologna. There will also be a Dante-themed postage stamp exhibition, curated by Gilles Thévenon, open until 22 October.
From 18 to 19 October, there will be the conference ‘Giustizia e Misericordia all’epoca di Dante’ (Justice and Mercy at the time of Dante) at the Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 and the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, organized by Massimo Lucarelli and Cecile le Lay. The conference will close with a piano concert at the Institute, featuring Manuel Schweizer and Kanykey Medetbecova.
From 21 to 22 October at the Université Savoie Mont Blanc in Chambéry, there will be a conference on Luigi Alamanni and his experiences as a poet in France and Italy.
The Dantean events will not end with the Week of the Italian Language. On 9 November, at the Palais de la Mutualité in Lyon, the Institute will present ‘Solo Dante #Inferno’, a dance performance by the Compagnia Artemis, to music by Giuseppe Verdi. On 12 November, the University Lumière Lyon 2 will host the Study Day ‘Dante, notre contemporain? Résonances et réinventions dans les arts et les littératures du XX and XXI siècles’ (Dante, our contemporary? Resonance and reinventions in the arts and literature of the 20th and 21st Centuries).
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