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Week of the Italian Language in Podgorica
Portal of the Italian language

Week of the Italian Language in Podgorica

Categories: Culture and creativity -Language and education
A discussion on teaching Italian through Dante's texts.
XXI Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo
XXI Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo

For the XXI Week of the Italian Language in the World, on 23 October, the Embassy of Italy in Montenegrohas organized the event ‘’Fatti non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza’ – Insegnare Dante agli stranieri’ (‘You were not made to live like brutes, but to pursue virtue and knowledge’ – Teaching Dante to Foreigners). The event is a refresher course for teachers of Italian in schools in Montenegro and aims to provide theoretical and methodological guidelines for rendering educational authentic material on Dante and his work, intended for students of various language levels and ages.

The event will include contributions by local teachers, who will provide a bibliography and methodological-didactic ideas for improving the awareness of the Divine Comedy among younger readers. The general guidelines will be accompanied by practical examples of materials and activities to be used in the classroom. The course will provide the skills for the educational use of Dante’s work: participants will be given the tools for choosing the text, adapting it to the level of the students and encouraging an interactive approach towards it. There will also be the presentation of an app on Dante, created with the contribution of the Department of Italian Language and Literature at the University of Montenegro.

More information on the Embassy’s social channels.

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