Registration is now open for this competition on Italian language which this year is also open to students from Italian schools and departments abroad.

2021/2022 Italian Language Olympiad

Once again for the 2021/22 school year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation is collaborating in diffusing the Italian Language Olympiad abroad, promoted by the Ministry of Education, with the participation of the Regional School Offices, the Accademia della Crusca, the Accademia dell’Arcadia, the Association for the History of the Italian Language (ASLI) and the Associazione degli Italianisti (ADI), with the support of the ‘Mario Cutelli’ Classical Lyceum in Catania.
The Olympiad consists of several Italian language individual competitions, aimed at reinforcing the study of Italian in high schools and encouraging students to improve their command of the language. As in previous editions, the competition is aimed at students from Italian schools abroad, both state and private ones, as well as students in Italian departments of foreign and international schools. Students from Italian educational institutions around the world will be able to compete for the international ranking, along with students from international schools in Italy.
Registration for schools abroad can be carried out up until March, 18, 2022, via the event’s official website. Schools abroad will independently select the students to be admitted to the semi-finals, with a maximum of ten students per school for each category: junior abroad and senior abroad. The selection of the finalists will take place in a single round on March 25, 2022. The final, to be held in Rome between Aprile 27 and 29, 2022, will be part of a broader cultural event to promote the Italian language and its literature organized by the Ministry of Education. In the event that the final cannot be held in person, the competition will take place online on the dedicated platform on April 28, 2022. The announcement of the winners will take place online with YouTube live on May 3, 2022.
The call for entries and further information are available on the event website.