The events promoted by the Consulate-General for the Week of Italian Language in the World.

A new Italian Department opens at the Collège/Lycée International ‘Camille Sée’, Paris

A new Italian Department opened on October 14, 2021 at the Collège/Lycée International ‘Camille Sée’ in Paris. It enhances the capacity of offering a qualified education in the field of Italian language and culture in Paris.
The opening was a preview of the Week of Italian Language in the World. The Consulate-General in Paris promoted various events, including the show “Angelica peccatrice. Il canto delle donne di Dante e molto altro al Balzac”, with the actress Carla Bianchi and students of the Italian Department of the Collège/Lycée International ‘Balzac’.
Moreover, the conference ‘Le lingue di Dante’ was held by professor Carlo Ossola; and a new translation of the ‘Vita nuova’ (edited by Laborintus) was presented at the panel discussion ‘Rencontre autour de Dante: Ecrin et écran, la beauté de l’implicite’.