Extended to the Italian schools abroad, the educational project disseminating the knowledge and the culture of human rights among the younger generation.

‘A scuola di Diritti Umani’ (Human Right School) 2021/2022

‘A scuola di Diritti Umani’ (Human Right School) is an educational project by Reset-Diritti umani, a non-profit association started in Milan in 2015 to disseminate the knowledge and the culture of human rights, alongside the organization of the Italian Festival of Human Rights in Milan since 2016.
This year both state and private Italian secondary schools abroad will be invited to participate thanks to the collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. By extending the participation, the project aims to enrich and increase its activities and its engagement for dialogue, the safeguarding of human rights and the promotion of inclusivity. Moreover, it aims to encourage the circulation of knowledge and the exchange of experiences among students from different schools, in Italy and abroad.
In addition, the project aims to raise awareness and educate the younger generations on high formative, cultural and civil topics. It can be a valuable support to the teaching of Civic Education since this interdisciplinary subject has now become compulsory in the Italian schools.
In the school year 2021/2022, the project includes: a series of podcasts with an historic, civic and present-day slant on human rights, produced by the Festival of Human Rights; the on-line participation to the EDU Session of the Festival of Human Rights (live streaming, on the first week of May 2022).
Schools interested to take part will need to designate a teacher who will first submit their application to the e-mail address scuole@festivaldirittiumani.it, and then fill in the registration form.
Further information on the educational project and the Festival is available on the Festival of Human Rights website.