Here the results of the first edition involving Italian primary schools around the world.

Ambabarà Ricicloclò: the winning classes of the steel recycling competition

‘A recycled can a day keeps the garbage away’ (Una lattina riciclata al giorno toglie la spazzatura di torno); ‘A child’s curiosity is as infinite as steel’ (La curiosità di un bambino è infinita come l’acciaio); ‘Better to recycle endlessly than to end up ‘unrecycled” (Meglio riciclare all’infinito che finire ‘irriciclati’): these are the proverbs invented by the children of the winning classes who creatively tell about recycling and the infinite lives of steel.
Thus, class III of the Comprehensive Italian State School of Athens (Greece), the class VB of the Italian School of Montevideo (Uruguay) and the class VA of La Scuola d’Italia G. Marconi of New York (USA) will be awarded ex aequo with a selection of children’s books offered by the organizers: the National Consortium RICREA and the literature magazine Andersen. A special mention was given to the Comprehensive Italian State School of Addis Ababa, for the overall work done by teachers and classes. A selection of proverbs will be collected in a special book with illustrations edited by Enrico Macchiavello.
The Jury assessed the imagination, the in-depth study of the Italian language and the consistency with the competition theme, which characterized the works of the winning classes of this first edition of ‘Ambarabà Ricicloclò – Da cosa nasce cosa‘ (One thing leads to another), promoted in primary state and state-authorized Italian schools in the world with the collaboration of the Directorate General for Cultural and Economic Promotion and Innovation.
All the children of the participating schools worked hard by analyzing the typical structure of Italian proverbs, also bringing to light interesting linguistic influences, and applying themselves in the search for original content with particular attention to the local context, demonstrating that they have achieved the main objectives of the initiative.