A day full of talks and debates on the subject of teaching the Divine Comedy in Italian schools.

‘Dante e la scuola’ conference

To close the year of Dantean celebrations, the Natalino Sapegno Foundation has organized the training and study conference ‘Dante e la scuola’ (Dante and School), scheduled for 10 November at 9 am, in the Maria Ida Viglino Hall at the Palazzo Regionale in Aosta.
The event, aimed mainly at secondary school teachers, but also to those responsible for programme guidelines for educational institutions, is sponsored by the Comitato nazionale per le celebrazioni dei settecento anni dalla morte di Dante (National Committee for the Celebrations of the 700th Anniversary of the Death of Dante), the Accademia della Crusca and other important cultural institutions.
The 700th anniversary of his death has confirmed Dante’s continued vitality, affirming increasingly his role as a symbol of Italy around the world, but it has also highlighted the difficulty of proposing the text of the Divine Comedy in schools, due to the distance in terms of language, culture and philosophy that separates students from Dante. The purpose of the initiative is to encourage teachers to reflect on the prospects for improving the use of the poem in schools, in order to assign due value to the educational aspects of Dante’s work and to re-evaluate its inclusion in secondary school curricula. Teachers will receive useful suggestions on teaching students to read the poem in a conscious and beneficial manner and discovering together how Dante and his language are still extremely relevant today.
Places at the conference are reserved for secondary school teachers in Valle d’Aosta (who must register for the conference via the special platform of the Superintendency of Education of the Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta).
All other interested teachers, including those from Italian schools abroad, will be able to follow the event via live streaming and will be able to ask questions to the speakers through the WhatsApp number they will be given when they register on the portal: https://www.sapegno.it/elenco-eventi
The programme of talks, the poster and further information can be found on the website of the Fondazione Centro di studi storico-letterari Natalino Sapegno.