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Festival del Classico 2021, a sold-out edition
Portal of the Italian language

Festival del Classico 2021, a sold-out edition

Categories: Language and education

The fourth edition of the festival on the theme of ‘Freedom and Slavery’ was a great success.

Festival del Classico

From 2 to 5 December 2021, the fourth edition of the Festival del Classico was held in Turin, an initiative from the Circolo dei Lettori of Turin, chaired by Luciano Canfora and curated by Ugo Cardinale, which this year is dedicated to the theme ‘Freedom and Slavery‘.

After the 2020 edition, which took place entirely online, so much so that it was renamed reloaded, the events of this edition of the festival once again took place in person in Turin, in the rooms of the Circolo dei Lettori, the Egyptian Museum, the OGR Torino, the Teatro Gobetti, the Casa del Teatro Ragazzi e Giovani and the Liceo Sociale. More than 40 top-quality cultural events were held, including lectures, readings, dialogues, debates and seminars, fuelled by literature and philosophy and against the backdrop of history, in order to reflect on the dualism of freedom/slavery and its paradoxical nature, present in the first lines of J.J. Rousseau’s Social Contract, ‘Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains’, which has long been a part of the history of humanity and extends into the present. It is a therefore a festival that begins with an analysis of the classics and from the memory of the past so as to orient the future and respond to contemporary concerns.

In light of last year’s positive experience, which saw the active and enthusiastic participation of seven Italian schools abroad, the Circolo dei Lettori, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, wanted to involve students of Italian international schools once again this year and allow them to follow the numerous scheduled appointments live through the Zoom platform.

The 2021 edition of the Festival del Classico, which was sold-out both in person and online, with over 3,000 participants and 1,000 students connected online, saw significant participation from schools connected from abroad. The Liceo Vermigli in Zurich, the Scuola Italiana Italo Calvino in Moscow, the Liceo Vilfredo Pareto in Lausanne, the Italian School in Tunis, the Don Bosco Italian School of Cairo, the Liceo Statale Italiano ‘E. Amaldi’ in Barcelona, the Liceo Statale Italiano of Madrid, and finally the Italian Cultural Institute of Belgrade.

Further information on the exhibition can be found on the Festival del Classico website.


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