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Italian schools worldwide: the winners of Ambarabà Ricicloclò and Riciclick
Portal of the Italian language

Italian schools worldwide: the winners of Ambarabà Ricicloclò and Riciclick

Categories: Language and education

The Italian language meets environmental education in the projects promoted by MAECI, with RICREA and Andersen.

l limerick della Scuola Italiana di Gedda illustrato da Enrico Macchiavello
Il limerick della Scuola Italiana di Gedda illustrato da Enrico Macchiavello

Thanks to support from MAECI, students of Italian schools abroad have been involved in the Ambarabà Ricicloclò and Riciclick educational projects promoted by RICREA, the national non-profit consortium for the recovery and recycling of steel packaging, which forms part of the CONAI system.

Ambarabà Ricicloclò, promoted along with the Andersen magazine, has invited alumni from Italian primary schools abroad to use the Italian language in a creative manner, playing with words to construct limericks on the topic of recycling steel packaging.Riciclick is a photography contest for alumni of Italian lower-secondary schools abroad, who are invited to take a photo related to the topic ‘I REFUSE!’ using the Riciclick app.

Environmental education is one of the priorities of our times, and this type of project broadens its potential, integrating reflections on the recycling of resources with reflections on language. The involvement of Italian schools abroad, the core of the Italian Training System around the World, and active and creative participation from students are a precious piece of our work to promote the Italian language and culture in the international context.

according to the Embassy Counsellor Valentina Setta, Head of Office V at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation’s Directorate General for Public and Cultural Diplomacy.

The following Italian schools abroad were the joint winners of the Ambarabà Ricicloclò prize: Istituto Italiano Statale Comprensivo, Athens (class IV), the Scuola d’Italia G. Marconi, New York (class V), and the Scuola Italiana in Jeddah (class III). The winning limericks have been illustrated by the artist Enrico Macchiavello in a special volume.

For RiciClick, first prize went to Ayla Ahdab from Class III A at the Scuola Italiana in Jeddah for her photo titled ‘The Real Goal’; second prize went to Federico Chizzoni from Class I A at Scuola I. Calvino in Moscow for his photo titled “Steel in heaven”; and third prize went to Mataas Javier Maldonado from Scuola Olivos e Villa Adelina in Argentina, for his photo titled ‘The Recycling Man’.


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