On 10 March 2021, online public lecture ‘Black Lives Matter Italy and the Legacy of Colonialism’ with Alberto Mario Banti, Visiting Professor for Italian Literature and Culture at ETH Zurich.

Online lessons at the ETH Zurich

The Italian Cultural Institute and the School Office of Zurich gives notice of online classes at the Zurich Polytechnic by Alberto Mario Banti, Professor at the Department of Civilizations and Forms of Knowledge at the University of Pisa and Visiting Professor in Italian Literature and Culture of the ‘Cattedra De Sanctis’ at the ETH in spring semester 2021.
The course ‘La nazione italiana dal Risorgimento al fasciscimo’ (The Italian nation from the Risorgimento to Fascism)examines the process of forming a national-patriotic movement in Italy during the Risorgimento, and then investigates the ‘nationalization of the masses’ in liberal and fascist Italy. It will focus on narratives and symbols that feed the idea of nation. Is there a transformation of the ethical and symbolic materials that structure national-patriotic discourse from the nineteenth century to the fall of fascism? And what is the legacy left by all this to the Italy of today?
As part of the course, on Wednesday 10 March 2021, at 6 pm (CET), there will be a public lecture ‘Black Lives Matter Italia e l’eredità del Colonialismo’ with Fred Kuwornu, director-producer of Do the right films, NYC and Professor Banti.
For more information, go to iiczurigo.esteri.it and italian.ethz.ch