Call for registration to the project on the development of computational thinking is now open.

‘Programma il Futuro’ (Programming the Future) 2021/2022

Adopting the so-called computational thinking, through basic knowledge of Computer Science, seems extremely important to actively engage and participate in a digital society. ‘Programma il Futuro‘ (Programming the Future) is a project aimed at offering schools effective and easily accessible tools, meant to draw students to the scientific and cultural basics of Information Technology.
Interactive and teacher-centred classroom activities are available, and have been designed for teaching any subject. The project is promoted by the Italian Ministry of Education, in collaboration with CINI – Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica (National Interuniversity Consortium for Information Technology), and is open to the Italian schools abroad.
At the end of the school year, schools will be awarded on the basis of their active and regular participation in the activities proposed.
Schools can register at any time of the school year on the website Further information on the project is available at the dedicated page of the Italian Ministry of Education website.