Registrations are open for the language competition promoted by the Ministry of Education, open to secondary school students in Italy and abroad until 2 April 2021.

Who will win the Italian Olympics? Selections underway

Once a year, there are some very special Olympics that involve only secondary school student and concern not athletic ability, but language skills.
These are the Italian Olympics: a prestigious competition in the language of Dante and Manzoni, open to upper secondary school students and also to students of Italian schools around the world (state and state-authorized private schools and Italian sections of international and European foreign schools).
For foreign schools in particular, there is an initial selection by the schools and a synchronised online semifinal in April with the same test for all participating students. The final will instead be held in Rome (COVID-19 permitting) on 10-11-12 May 2021, as part of the ‘Giornate della lingua italiana’ (Italian language days).
The tests involve different levels of language proficiency, from spelling to vocabulary, with closed-ended or multiple choice questions, and, in the final, open-ended questions and writing tests.
The competition is promoted by the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), the Regional School Offices, the Accademia della Crusca, the Accademia dell’Arcadia, the Association for the History of the Italian Language (ASLI), the Association of Italianists (ADI) and with the participation of the Premio Campiello Giovani, and the support of the Liceo Classico ‘M. Cutelli’ in Catania. RAI television is the main Media Partner through Rai Cultura, Rai Scuola, Radio3 and Rai Italia.
Schools should register preferably be done by 31 January, but for schools abroad, thanks to agreements with MAECI, registrations remain open until15 March 2021, through the official website, to be completed by the contact person identified by each participating school.
For further information, please contact: Serena Bonito – Office V –