Education in Italian universities
Many Italian universities offer courses in Italian language for those who want to pursue a career teaching Italian in Italy and abroad.
- Level I degree courses
(Bachelor’s degrees)
Bachelor’s degree programmes in Literature (code L10) offer education in Italian language and literature; some universities offer as part of this degree category a specific course for training teachers of Italian as a second language. The areas of specialization range from methodologies for teaching a second language to language acquisition and the promotion of Italian language and culture from an international perspective. - Level II Degree Courses
(Master’s Degrees)
Master’s Degrees offer a very wide range of courses for teaching Italian as a second language (codes LM14 and LM38). Several universities offer a course dedicated to the educational and methodological aspects of language teaching. - Specialization
(Level I and Level II Master’s Degrees)
In Italy, degree, specialization, PhD or other courses (Level I and II Master’s Degrees) are generally delivered totally or partially in Italian. Some universities also provide courses in English and German, which do not require a compulsory admission test in Italian, which is instead foreseen in other cases, for non-EU citizens who are not resident in Italy.
For more information, please contact the Students’ Office of the various universities or visit the Universitaly Ministry of University and Research portal.
Adult education for Italian language teachers around the world
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation supports organizations, institutions, universities and schools around the world that provide refresher and training courses for Italian language teachers.
The funded training projects aim to improve areas of teaching and methodology, including the most innovative aspects that also embrace other disciplines, such as theatre, cinema and art. There is particular focus on the use of new technologies, the potential of the Web and distance learning techniques.
In 2020, grants were awarded to 38 requesting entities in 16 countries around the world.
Information and insights are available on the individual entities’ web pages.