Archeo3D’Italia is the video-platform dedicated to the Italian archaeological sites registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Through an interactive map and a documentary video, the platform offers an international audience the opportunity of a more intimate discovery of:
- Ancient Rome (Forums and Colosseum);
- Vatican Area (Circus of Caligula and Saint Peter’s Basilica);
- Pompeii (Forum and Theatres);
- Agrigento (Acropolis and Temple of Zeus);
- Aquileia (complex of the Patriarchal Basilica);
- Brescia (Roman Capitolium);
- City of Verona (Arena);
- Etruscan Necropolis of Cerveteri;
- Villa Adriana in Tivoli;
- Paestum;
- Syracuse;
- Piazza Armerina (Villa Romana del Casale).
Each site features video clips in 3D computer graphics, which show virtual elevations and findings of the excavations, available in Italian and English. An innovative and fun way to get to know the original structure of these fascinating places, the different phases of their evolution and the relationships with their natural, historical and cultural context.
The platform was created in collaboration with Altair4 multimedia, a company specialized in the 3D reconstruction of ancient sites.