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Photography and Non-Profit: applications are open for ‘Italia Inclusiva’
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Photography and Non-Profit: applications are open for ‘Italia Inclusiva’

Categories: Culture and creativity -Opportunities -Visual Arts
A video-photographic project created to highlight the socio-economic heritage of the Italian Third Sector and its achievements around the world.
Gea Casolaro_Le due città della fantasia (quella che cade dall’alto e quella che vive da basso)_2004-2007 - dettaglio
Gea Casolaro_Le due città della fantasia (quella che cade dall’alto e quella che vive da basso)_2004-2007 – dettaglio

Following the reorganisation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation’s internal structure on 8 April 2022, the  Head of Procedure of the Italia Inclusiva project, Dr. Federico Palmieri , was replaced by Dr. Carlotta Colli , vicariate of the Sixth Office of the Directorate General for the promotion of the national system.

The relative decree (3716/0021) is available at this link.


The selected photographers for the public notice ‘Italia Inclusiva’ can be found at this link.


The evaluation of the Expressions of Interest submitted is available at the following link.


‘Italia Inclusiva’ is a project of the Directorate General for Cultural and Economic Promotion and Innovation that aims to promote the Italian third sector abroad, through the creation of video-photographic projects highlighting the work of six Italian non-profit associations.

The Third Sector in Italy is dynamic and extremely varied, with hundreds of thousands of organizations working in various fields. It was born to serve the community and at the same time creates community and relationships, producing an economic value far greater than can be measured. It is a vibrant workshop of entrepreneurship and innovation and helps to promote culture and make it accessible. The Italian Third Sector in turn generates a culture of accountability, cooperation and caring for people, spaces and cities. It is therefore important to start associating Made in Italy with the achievements that our country can boast in the social sphere, which play a crucial role in the country’s sustainable development and in the inclusion of its most vulnerable people.

The project aims to communicate abroad the contribution of the Third Sector and to try to convey its diversity, through the selection of six macro-areas of intervention, which refer to the Goals for Sustainable Development of the UN 2030 Agenda: legality, women’s empowerment, urban regeneration, social integration, sport, social entrepreneurship.

In order to promote and enhance this important socio-economic heritage, video-photographic projects will be created to present the work of the selected associations active in the above-mentioned sectors, in continuity with the consolidated tradition of Italian photography in interpreting places and society.

The ‘Italia Inclusiva’ public notice is aimed at emerging or mid-career photographers/video makers or collectives and will remain open until 4 February 2022. The six selected artists will be able to develop their video-photographic project by observing the work and history of the associations over the course of several months. The photographic projects will then be highlighted in six books and six exhibitions, which will be distributed throughout the diplomatic-consular network and the Italian Cultural Institutes.

Image Credit: Gea Casolaro – Le due città della fantasia (quella che cade dall’alto e quella che vive da basso) [detail], 2004-2007

You can download the Notice and the 4 Documents for the application on this page.

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